Cottage on 120

Winter is coming and that sucks. You know what doesn't suck? Going to a cottage with a bunch of your friends. I'm going to use these memories to get me through this winter.

Cottage Life 6
Cottage Life 4
Cottage Life 8
Cottage Life 3
Cottage Life 7

This is my friend Derek...

Cottage Life 1

This is my friend Jamie. Her last name is Kendall... get it?

This is Jamies grandfather. He's super badass - he's got a bear in his basement.

Cottage Life 5

Big thanks to Jamie for having us all to her cottage and to Nick for lending me his Hasselblad - Nick, I promise I'll get my own some day.

I recently received access to a few studios so... that's really awesome. I'll be able to still shoot comfortably during the winter! Expect some studio shoots soon.

Thanks! Dylan


Street and Sharks


Four Street Photos