Personal blog of photographer Dylan Leeder.

Events, People, Places Dylan Leeder Events, People, Places Dylan Leeder

35mm: Summer Parties & Adventures

Some film shots from random summer adventures to Nova Scotia, NXNE, and Muskoka. Check it.

Hey guys! Summer has been great so far, so many music festivals and wonderful adventures throughout Canada's beautiful wilderness. Although I will never regret all the rad adventures I've had so far - I've got to admit it's somewhat interfered with my productivity in regards to my creative photography. It's just so hard to say no to a cold brew on a patio, a weekend trip to a cottage, or just a nice bike ride through the city.

One of the highlights of my summer so far includes a short trip to Nova Scotia to assist Joey L, the photographer that actually inspired me to become one myself. In addition to being able to check out Nova Scotia, it was also a great experience to chill with a dude I admire so much. Here's Joey and some shots from the trip...

Joey L in Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia 4
Nova Scotia 2
Nova Scotia 1
Nova Scotia 3
Nova Scotia 5

I've been fortunate enough to hit up some cottages as well! Here's a few quick shots from some time spent up in Muskoka.

Muskoka 3
Muskoka 2
Muskoka 1

Here's Anthea rockin' that rad canoeing look.

Anthea 2

and her and Lauren barely balancing on a paddle board.

Cottage Fun 1

Boats are the best.

Cottage Fun 2

As mentioned, I've also been attending tonnes of festivals and shows including one of the biggest of the summer, NXNE. Here are a few shots from Audioblood and Pistonheads rooftop party:

Pistonhead Party for NXNE
Pistonhead Party for NXNE

Teenage Kicks!

Pistonhead Party for NXNE

And friends!

Pistonhead Party for NXNE


Pistonhead Party for NXNE


Pistonhead Party for NXNE


Pistonhead Party for NXNE


Of course I had to make sure to attend NXNE's Bruise Cruise. Good times were had:

NXNE Bruise Cruise
NXNE Bruise Cruise
NXNE Bruise Cruise

More friends!

NXNE Bruise Cruise


So yeah, I've basically just been carrying along my 35mm camera and taking shots along the way. I plan on doing a bunch of shoots this month to take advantage of the nice weather (it's already August! WHAT!) so expect those.

and I STILL haven't posted the shots from my trip to Grenada. There's just too many! Expect them very soon.

Thanks! Dylan

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