Personal blog of photographer Dylan Leeder.

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35mm: Pistonhead & Field Trip

Some 35mm film shots from a Pistonhead party and Field Trip. Good times.

In a previous post I mentioned that I enjoy shooting film during the summer and this summer has been no exception. Lately I've been throwing my Canon AE-1 in my backpack while checking out random events. During the last few weeks I attended a rad Pistonhead sponsored party at the Bovine Sex Club and this past weekend was Field Trip. Here are some visuals for you...

Pistonhead @ Bovine:

First off - I'm really digging this portrait. I saw this dudes gold tooth and asked him for a portrait. Anyone know who he is?

Pistonhead at Bovine

Hi Andy!

Pistonhead at Bovine

And big shoutout to Pistonhead for the free beer...

Pistonhead at Bovine
Pistonhead at Bovine

Field Trip was last weekend and it was super awesome. Saw a lot of great bands and hung out with some of my favourite friends...

Field Trip - Crowd 1
Field Trip - Crowd 2

Fucked Up's set was my favourite of the festival and not just because George (of Alexisonfire) made a guest appearance.

Field Trip - George with Fucked Up
Field Trip - George
Field Trip - George & Damian

And finally here's some portraits of two of my favourite people...

Rich! It's become a tradition to take a portrait at each festival we're both attending.

Field Trip - Rich

And my girl, Anthea!

Field Trip - Anthea

Cool. Thanks! Dylan

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