Personal blog of photographer Dylan Leeder.

People, Places Dylan Leeder People, Places Dylan Leeder

First time with 120 film

Photos from my first three rolls of 120 film. Nature, roads, a warehouse and a horse... and Tom.

Hey guys! I recently borrowed a Hasselblad 503 and shot my first three rolls of 120 film - I'm excited. I'm happy with the results I got while adjusting to the learning curve and can't wait until I become comfortable with the change. Here's the photos...

St. Lawrence River III

St. Lawrence River II

Brockville Forest III

Brockville Forest I

Brockville Forest II

Brockville Forest IV


Horse II

Horse I


Warehouse I

Warehouse II



I plan on shooting more portraits with my next roll. Expect that soon.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Thanks! Dylan

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